Psychology is a common major/minor, but it is a job that is very needed. If you are interested in Psychology, you are probably a person who likes helping others and leaving an impact. To prepare yourself for this career, throughout this blog, you will be presented with what AP classes to take, what clubs to join, and general essay tips.
To start, some things to keep in mind is that colleges want to see YOU. They do not want to see someone who is not the person that is (hopefully) going to attend that college. Therefore, when writing your college essays, keep in mind that they want to see who YOU are. To do so, use YOUR life experiences to respond to the questions they ask. Therefore, when you are writing your essay make sure you are putting in information that matches who YOU truly are.
Next, if you are interested in Psychology the following Ap classes will highly benefit you. The first AP you should take is a very obvious one, AP Psychology. This course will teach you a lot of the basic information that you will need as a college student. It is a preparatory class and if you are interested in the field, then it is very beneficial. Apart from that if you take an AP English class, it will also help you because it improves your writing skills a lot and it will make it a lot easier for you when writing essays for college admission and within the college, too. As well as that you can take as many additional AP classes, but if you know you are going to go into this path, choose classes that aren’t AP but have information that you will find valuable, such as Medical Terminology, Sociology, etc. Extra APs will also make you stand out, but it is up to you.
Additionally, you should be joining clubs There are three areas of focus when joining the club, (1) leadership clubs, (2) volunteer work, (3) specified club or honor societies. To fit the first category, you should join a general club such as the student government or student council. Next, to fit the second category, you should join a volunteering organization that can be either local or national. Some options include ClubMed, Rotary International, and (which also helps with scholarships). The third club you should join since there isn’t a Psychology national society would be the local Psychology club. If your school or community does not offer a psychology club, then you should create one, as it will make you stand out even more throughout your applications.
To sum it up, being YOURSELF is what colleges need to see when you apply. By joining extracurricular activities that show that you are going to enjoy a psychology major, and by taking AP classes that show your interests, you will be showing the colleges that you are willing to put your effort into that career. Remember to be YOU and join what YOU enjoy and what makes YOU unique.
What you should do if you are interested in a Psychology-related career, while in high school:
AP Psychology
AP English
Additional: taking any extra APs
General leadership clubs, such as student council or student government
Volunteer work organization, such as ClubMed or
Specific psychology club, create your own if your school/community doesn’t have one
Additional: any other clubs that are extra
- By Raquel Paz