Many important and general things that you might’ve been told is to take AP class, join clubs, and be as unique as possible. But how and which ones should you take? How do you make yourself different from thousands of other applicants? Throughout this post, you will receive information on specific things that will help you stand when applying to a Health Science or Medical field.
To start, your college essay is an extremely important “overview” of who you are. What do you like? What makes you enjoy the field? What has inspired you to become a professional in this field? Asking yourself questions like these will help you boost the quality of your essay. To make it unique you should talk about YOUR experiences and YOUR dreams. A good suggestion for your essay is to start from your initial interest, and then cultivate your interest based on your experiment. Mention the WHYs, WHOs, WHENs, and HOWs for everything. Remember that colleges want to see you, not the student you sit next to in the Science class. To gain more knowledge about writing essays, taking AP English will help a lot. In this class, as well as other Social Sciences AP classes, you will learn how to write under pressure and proficiently. Additionally, taking AP Research and Seminar will help you improve research skills that are necessary for this field.
To continue improving your application, taking APs for your specific field of interest will make you look unique. If you are interested in the medical field, you most likely enjoy science and math classes. Therefore you should take these AP because they are part of your field of interest, as well as your likings. Some AP’s that fall into this category include AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Calculus BC (if you don’t like math as much, then you might want to consider taking AP Calculus AB). Apart from these classes, if you are interested in getting into a competitive college, taking your preferred language AP will show high-level thinking beyond English. As well as that you might choose to take other AP classes that relate to your hobbies or interests, such as AP Music Theory or AP Human Geography. These are completely additional, so do not overwork yourself.
Next, I will cover clubs that will help you improve your application. There are three types of clubs you should join during high school, whether you want to study medicine or art. First, joining a general leadership club. Second, joining a volunteering club. The more specific the better. Third, you should join an honor society or specified club. When looking for a career in Medicine or Health Sciences, the clubs that fall into these areas that will benefit you the most are as follows. Taking clubs such as DECA, Student Council, etc will teach you skills that most regular classes do not teach you. They talk to you about leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. Next, joining a specified medical volunteering organization. This goes from a smaller volunteer organization, such as ClubMed, which provides a lot of foundations, to larger-scale volunteer work at hospitals in your area. If you want to go into a certain specialization, you can also join a club that regards your interests. The third area is honor societies and specified clubs. If your school, or community, offers medical, sciences, or math honor societies, it is important to consider joining one. As well as that if you find a club that goes deeper into your interests, then definitely join it. If you do not find a club that interests you, you can always start your own club. Starting an organization, club, or small business, throughout high school also shows the level of maturity and interest you have. Joining these three types of clubs is going to prove, to your future college, your interests, self-preparation skills, and maturity levels.
To sum it up, if you want to become a professional in the medical and health sciences field, then you should be taking AP classes that match the field you are interested in, joining clubs in the 3 areas (leadership, volunteering, honor society/specific) and working as hard as you can to make your essay resemble the person you are. Make sure to do activities that YOU enjoy, and when writing the essay make sure to “sell” who YOU truly are.
What to do throughout high school if interesting in the medical and health science field:
AP English (for essay preparation)
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus BC (otherwise interested, Calculus AB is easier)
AP Research and Seminar (for improvement in research skills)
Additional: Other AP classes, such as AP Human Geography or AP Music Theory
General leadership clubs, such as the Student Council or DACA
Specific volunteer clubs, such as ClubMed, Project-Abroad Medical, etc.
Honor Society or specific clubs, such as Mu Alpha Theta (math honor society)
Additional: joining specific clubs, or creating your own.
- By Raquel Paz