What are the different specialties for PAs?
PAs have different autonomy depending on specialty
Dermatology PAs have ample autonomy. Dermatology is one of the highest paid specialties with the average being $126,084-$200,000 annually. They treat and diagnose skin conditions in addition to the broad range of procedures done. They usually work in a private practice setting with patients who choose to undergo cosmetic procedures. As a result, this specialty is extremely competitive.
Urgent Care
Urgent Care PAs have tremendous autonomy and typically don’t collaborate much with a leading physician. They usually make around $130,000 annually. The patients they encounter have a variety of conditions with every level of severity. Urgent Care PAs must have strong assessment skills to identify whether or not they are trained to care for certain conditions. When patients come in with life-threatening statuses, Urgent Care PAs must immediately direct them to the emergency room/hospital. This occupation too is very competitive.
Surgical PAs do not have the free range that other specialties, since they are assisting a head surgeon. Surgical PAs make around $115,000 annually; certain subspecialties like cardiology, orthopedics have respective salaries. Becoming a surgical PA is very competitive.
These PAs perform pelvic/vaginal/breast exams, manage menopausal issues, assist family planning services, prescribe contraceptives, and much more. This is one of the lower paying specialties with a salary of $96,000 annually (for outpatient PAs).
Family Medicine
Family Medicine PAs manage illnesses, care for patients with chronic illnesses, perform physical exams, prescribe medication, perform minor procedures, and much more. Their salaries range from $90,000- $100,000 or even more annually. Their duties are similar to that of primary care physicians.
Psych PAs can work with both inpatients and outpatients. They treat conditions like Bipolar disorder, ADHD, ADD, OCD, schizoaffective, schizophrenia, substance abuse, and much more. Many practices and/or hospitals vary in the conditions that they treat. Psych PAs do not provide counseling services, but often refer patients to psychotherapists. They additionally prescribe medications like antipsychotics. Salaries are around $115,000, annually.
Infectious Disease
This is usually considered a subspecialty of internal medicine. These PAs typically work in hospitals and clinics. Roughly 50% of PAs are inpatient care givers, and the other 50% manage outpatients. They treat conditions like HIV with treatment pills. They frequently work with partners of those with HIV, prescribing them PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) sometimes even used to prevent transmission to offspring. Salaries range from $165,000-$200,000 annually.
PA Fellowships?
Although fellowships are not required as they are for physicians, securing fellowships are far from easy. Fellowships are available for many specialties like obgyn, oncology, emergency medicine, dermatology, and much more. Attaining a fellowship will likely open more employment opportunities, since fellowships provide extensive training and experience in a specialty of interest. Many PAs opt not to pursue a fellowship. One reason being the salary for a fellow (sometimes called resident) is much lower than what they would be making as a new PA-C. Without a fellowship/residency, it may be difficult to get a new position without additional training (depending on the specialty you pursue).
- By Kasey D.