Why does Mental + Emotional Health matter as a college student?
College is definitely an exciting chapter of life., regardless if you are starting for the first time or are entering upper years. Although college gives room for growth, many times students experience stress and emotions unaccounted for. College can bring on stress, struggles of balancing life, social pressures, feelings of disconnect and emotions of inadequacy. Mental health and emotional health are extremely important and there are habits we can implement into our daily lives to keep our bodies and minds healthy and stable.
What are some ways to maintain my Mental + Emotional health?
Prioritize Self-care
~ Prioritizing Self-care is extremely important because if you do not care for yourself how can you get through college? Even though you will have many responsibilities, make sure you take at least one day out of your week to do what makes you feel great. When planning your week, ensure that you haven’t scheduled anything unrelated to self-care. Work on your art, take a walk, hangout with some friends, listen to music, do your hair, etc.
Get your Sleep
~ All nighters are a common notion for college students, simply because people feel that sleeping is unproductive. If you prioritize your sleep, you won’t have to pull all nighters. Perhaps your first all-nighter won’t affect you drastically, but once this becomes a habit it will start to take a toll on your mental health. Having a good nights sleep has so many benefits: can boost your immune system, better moods, increased productivity, improves memory and so much more!
Give Yourself a Break
~Cramming is never the answer. Studying is important, so taking study breaks will further increase productivity. Cramming and not taking breaks will slowly affect your mood and sooner or later you will feel burnt out. This also means scheduling time for friends and family members. You can’t work and study every second of the day. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Practice Relaxation
~ This starts with discovering what exactly works for you. Some people like reading a book, treating themselves, playing sports, getting a massage, meditating and more. In addition, breathing exercises are a must! These techniques will definitely help manage stress.
Stay Grounded
~ It is vital to let go of matters that you can’t control. Stay positive and don’t expect things to go wrong. Optimism can carry you through the most stressful of times. Remember that your emotions matter!
Counter Statements
~Counterstatments keep us both positive and rational. Once a negative thought surfaces your mind, think of a counter statement e.g; “I am not going to pass that test so there is no point in studying anyways” counter statement: “I can pass that test if I work for it. Our words have power, so positive affirmation and manifesting is crucial to one’s well being.
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- By Kasey Diaz