We’ve seen it time and time again, your classmates achieving better grades, higher grade point averages, and the ultimate satisfaction of accomplishing a leadership position for your school’s sports team. You wonder and ask yourself, will I ever be him or her? Will I ever be good enough? The answer is simple, your questions are organized into three major collections throughout this essay. We will discuss the vast mindset of an achieving student, the basic principles of overall success, and lastly, you.
It’s been a while since you’ve felt satisfied with your performance at school. Sure you’ve been able to pass your tests or even been complimented by your teacher, but you don’t feel fully content with yourself. To state, everyone your age is feeling the same thing, you are not alone. To become an achieving student you must understand where you lack behind and thrive. There is no limit to each of your strengths or weakness, but rather a level of confidence for each. Think about something you love or are good at. Okay, have you thought of something? Now that I have you thinking, were you immediately a pro at it, or did it take some time to learn and love? No one is born perfect, and it is a vital point that all achieving students begin with, to learn and love.
You have officially gathered your list of strengths and weaknesses while accepting that it takes time to learn and love something. Take a moment to congratulate yourself. Why? Because you are worthy of everything you have written down. In this segment, I will walk you through the basic principles of overall success. Let’s be real, the cheesy stuff ain’t gonna cut it! To be one who thrives for success, you must be one who successfully thrives in the good, bad, and the ugly. Success comes with its ups and downs. To begin, choose something from the list of weaknesses. Have you gotten it yet? Perfect? How well do you think you can move it to the list of success? No matter what it may be, read the fourth sentence of this paragraph. To prosper, you must push yourself out of your comfort zone and face the difficulties. The basic principle of victory starts with change. Use what you have written to gradually test every single one of your weaknesses until they have shifted to strengths.
Applause if you have reached the final paragraph of this writing. In this segment, we will be talking about you, but don’t worry, not in a bad way. Often times, we doubt ourselves. Just like the introduction of this essay, you often feel others are “better” than you. That is not the case. No matter who you are, you have successfully understood that no one is perfect and mastery comes with time. The list you have created is your own battle to fight. Don’t throw away what you could achieve, but rather use it to inspire you of becoming a better version of yourself. Change comes with self-determination and confidence. If you choose to take on this battle, you have not only achieved major goals but proved that you are indeed “good enough”.
- By Belgin Kazkaz